Exceptional Protection of Fluorescent Proteins (FP) and Endogenous Molecular Information
Get the first step of tissue processing right with our easy & reliable solution kit
Superior Tissue Preservation
Versatile: Safeguards endogenous fluorescence, protein antigenicity, nucleic acids, and overall tissue architecture. Synergizes with a range of existing tissue processing approaches including SWITCH (Cell, 2015) and MAP (NBT, 2016).
Easy, Fast & Reliable
Easy & Reliable: Superior tissue preservation vs. CLARITY, without the variability of hydrogel embedding. Compatible with both non-fixed and PFA-fixed tissues.
Fast: Streamlined protocol preserves samples in a matter of days with minimal steps.
Protects Tissue for Multi-Round Processing
Repeated Staining & Imaging: Protects tissue during FP-imaging and antibody labeling across individual rounds.
Available in 250mL and 500mL Kits
Each kit comes with:
250mL kit is for 8 mouse brains or samples of equivalent size
500mL kit is for 16 mouse brains or samples of equivalent size