


发布时间:2020/3/25 15:50:40

The cost of wall painting machine
Now we see more and more wall paintings are painted by wall painting machine on the street, not only the painting effect is very good, but also help business opportunities to save a lot of unnecessary engineering costs. Many entrepreneurs hope to join in this project. Let me introduce to you how about wall painting machine and how much is its cost?
商业区, 现在很多商业区,如影院,网吧,咖啡厅,商场,影楼等等都希望有自己的私人订制的个性墙面装饰,使用墙体彩绘机只需要把想要做的图片放在电脑上,轻轻松松帮您把图片喷绘到墙上,属于人工智能机器自己作画,简单又省力,帮助您和您的客户都节省了一大笔费用,这样一来一传十十传百生意自然找上门。
Business District, now many business districts, such as cinemas, Internet cafes, cafes, shopping malls, cinemas and so on, want to have their own personalized wall decoration. Using the wall painting machine, you only need to put the pictures you want to make on the computer, and easily spray the pictures on the wall for you. It belongs to the artificial intelligence machine, which is simple and labor-saving. It helps you and your customers to save time. Save a lot of expenses, so that the business will come naturally.
Interior decoration and wall painting machine are the good news of the decoration team company. You can help customers to make more beautiful and atmospheric decoration style. Landscape, ink, oil painting, 3D painting and so on can be done, helping you to have an additional business.
Outdoor wall painting, now the new rural cultural wall is the main concern of many bosses. If you have any project contracting, then you don't need to hesitate. The wall painting machine saves you a lot of manpower and time. At the same time, let you easily finish the project.
Secondly, I'd like to tell you about the cost that we are concerned about. The cost of the wall painting machine is not very high, and it can be said that compared with other entrepreneurial projects, the cost is very low, and the ink cost of each painting is almost negligible.

