HC-系列全自动活塞式蜂蜜灌装机 本公司生产的全自动活塞式膏体灌装机是建立在参考德国同类产品的基础上进行了重新设计,并增加了部分功能。使产品在使用造作、精度误差、装量调整、设备清洗、维护保养等方面更加简单方便。在此基础上设计的灌装机采用电气控制回路,因此特别适合在对于有防爆要求的环境中使用。应用范围广制药、食品、化妆品、等行业。灌装物料的使用范围【举例】 水、蜜糖、酸奶酪、药膏、奶油、糖浆、雪花膏、精油、*、沐浴露、眼影液、洗发水、胶水、洗手液。(根据物料浓度可配加热装置) HC-series full-automatic piston filler honey The company's fully automatic paste filling machine piston is built on the reference to Germany, the basis of similar products has been redesigned, and added some features. In the use of artificial products, precision error, adjust the quantity, equipment cleaning, maintenance and so more easy and convenient. On this basis the design of the filling machine using electrical control circuit, it is particularly suitable for explosion-proof requirements in the environment. Application of a wide range of pharmaceutical, food, cosmetics, and other industries. The use of filling materials Water, honey, yogurt, cream, cream, syrup, vanishing cream, oil, cool oil, shower gel, liquid eye shadow, shampoo, glue, hand sanitizer. (Based on the concentration of material heating device can be allocated) 主要技术参数: