Anritsu MS9740B 光谱分析仪
面议Anritsu MS9740A 光谱分析仪
面议Santec TSL-550 可调谐激光器
面议Anritsu MP2110A 采样示波器
面议Santec OTF-930 波长可调谐滤波器
面议Keithley 2401 数字源表
面议Keithley 2502 双通道皮安表
面议Keithley 2510-AT 温度控制(TEC)源表
面议YOKOGAWA AQ6375B 光谱分析仪
面议YOKOGAWA AQ6370C 光谱分析仪
面议YOKOGAWA AQ6370D 光谱分析仪
面议Keithley 2510 温度控制(TEC)源表
面议 IEEE 488.1 transfer rates up to 1.8 MB/s (standard) and 7.7 MB/s (HS488)
Hi-Speed USB compliance; compatibility with USB 1.x full-speed ports
No GPIB cable requirement for instrument connection; plug-and-play installation and configuration
NI-488.2 for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux (2.6-24)
RoHS compliance; complete IEEE 488.2 compatibility