2W水用黄铜、不锈钢电磁阀基于两位五通双电控电磁阀的这种特性,在设计机电控制回路或编制PLC程序的时候,可以让电磁阀线圈动作1~2秒就可以了,这样可以保护电磁阀线圈不容易损坏。电磁阀在液路系统中用来实现液路的通断或液流方向的改变,2W水用黄铜、不锈钢电磁阀一般具有一个可以在线圈电磁力驱动下滑动的阀芯,阀芯在不同的位置时,电磁阀的通路也就不同。阀芯的工作位置有几个,2W water brass, stainless steel solenoid valve action principle: to positive action coil is energized, 2W water with brass, stainless steel solenoid valve is gas line turned positive action (positive action vent with gas), even to the positive action coil power Positive action after gas line is still connected, will be maintained until the coil is energized to reverse action so far. To reverse action coil is energized, the counter-action gas line on (reactionary make pores with gas), even if the coil power to reverse action Reverse action after gas line is still connected, will be maintained until the coil is energized to positive action so far . This is equivalent to "self-locking."
2W水用黄铜、不锈钢电磁阀:阀体上的接口,也就是电磁阀的通路数,有几个通路口,该电磁阀就叫几通电磁阀。电磁阀安装后,一般所有接口都应该是连接好了的,所谓工作位置指的是阀芯的位置。阀芯在线圈不通电时处在甲位置,在线圈通电时处在乙位置,阀芯在不同位置时,对各接口起到或接通或封闭的作用。2W water brass, stainless steel solenoid valves 2-way normally closed solenoid valve action principle: to the coil is energized, gas is turned on, once the coil power, gas line will be disconnected, which is equivalent to "jog." Normally open type 3/2 single solenoid valve action principle: to the coil is energized, gas line disconnected, once the coil power, gas line will be turned on, which is "jog."