是为测量高炉冷却水水温而专门研制的测量仪表,该温度仪技术指标可靠、性能稳定、显示清晰、测量迅速、使用简单方便。冷却水测温仪是为测量高炉冷却水温度而专门研制的仪表。它可替代长期使用的人工读数的水银温度计,解决水银温度计读数不清楚、测量距离短、温度计易破损和汞蒸汽有毒等缺陷。是采用微功耗大规模集成线路,使用一般碱性电池,能使仪表连续工作10个月以上,合理的设计方式使温度传感器,显示器、电源溶为一体,省去了 繁琐而又不安全的 电源线路,本仪表工作在 0.2MA左右的微电流,所以没有热量和电火花,防爆的外壳,能够在易燃易爆的环境中使用,LCD数字显示能够在室外、强光下看的清晰,内置电源采用夹装式安装,当电源用尽更换电源时,可以自由轻松的 将电池取出然后装上新电源,采用两节5号碱性电池 ,注意正、负极不可接反,切不可将电源短路。The photoes of the meters
Features and Benefits
Be convenient for holding and measuring.
Sensor: protected by stainless hook-headed, with a length of 700mm(or length customized).
Displayer: big LCD panel(130×66×23mm), fixed at the hand shank(Cable between probe and displayer can be seen atST- CYT-11 but inside a stainless box atST-CYT-21. )
Wide temperature range(0-100℃), high accuracy(0.1% multiply the reading), high precision(0.1℃)
Quick response(responding time: <1s, stable time: <7s)
Stable performance: Pt1000 sensor, anti-jamming circuit
Water-proof design: displayer covered with a plastic cover
The meters have been used in about one hundred steel companies in
China since 1999.