


Rabbit Anti-TCR Vb8抗体说明书

时间:2014-05-05      阅读:689

Rabbit Anti-TCR Vb8抗体说明书
  Quantity size : 0.1ml (dilute with pH 7.4
0.01 M PBS or antibody diluent )
specificity :
– Anti- TCR Vb8 is a rabbit polyclonal antibody unconjugated
– specific for TCR Vb8 of human, mouse and rat
– use for western blotting,elisa,immunoprecipitation and immunohistochemistry
– Protein G affinity chromatography purification, purity :>95%
– Isotype: IgG
Application :
– Western blotting 1:100-500
– Immunohistochemistry 1:100-500
– ELISA 1:500-1000
– Optimal working dilutions must be determined by the end user.
Storage: Store at -20 ℃ for one year. Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles. The
lyophilized antibody is stable at room temperature for at least one month and for
greater than a year when kept at -20℃. When reconstituted in sterile pH 7.4 0.01M
PBS or diluent of antibody, the antibody is stable for at least six weeks at 2-4 ℃
Important Note: This product as supplied is intended for research use only, not for
use in human, therapeutic or diagnostic applications.

上一篇:瑞齐告诉您*仪器公司2013排行榜新鲜出炉 下一篇:促黄体生成激素放免试剂盒说明书,现货销售
