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大日本印刷(DNP)光源及测试卡,爱莎(ESSER)光源及测试卡,京立(Kyoritsu)光源,DxO Analyzer


  影像光源及测试设备,影像测试系统(硬件及软件),影像解决方案,光学加工辅料,光电元器件。包括日本京立(ARROWIN),DxO Analyzer,德国爱莎(ESSER),日本印刷(DNP)等系列设备,产品广泛应用于摄像机、数码相机、照相手机、安防摄像机、医疗及检验仪器、传媒及广播设备等领域。

  影像测试来自于法国DxO影像评测系统,能提供全面的静态及动态图像评价,其测试方法符合相关标准。 DXO影像评测系统正在致力于建立更广泛统一的行业标准。MYT拥有DXO系统标准实验室,能为影像行业厂商提供完善的测试方案及测试服务。

  影像解决方案拥有光学,机械,电子,软件于一体的高科技研发团队,采用自主开发的高品质光学变焦镜头,*的电路设计及自有的3A(AF/ AE/ AWB)算法,可应用于安霸(Ambarella),联咏(Novatek),德州仪器(TI)等数码影像平台,提供数码相机,高清DV,监控安防摄像机,医疗影像设备等行业的完整解决方案。





Image Engineering shopThe ideal measurement device to determine shutter and shooting time lag, autofocus time, burst frame rate and exposure times of digital imaging devices.

LED-PanelExtremely precise measurements with an accuracy better than one millisecond are possible with this device. It is currently the only commercially available device that supports the upcoming ISO 15781 standard (Photography - Digital cameras - Measuring shooting time lag, shutter release time lag, shooting rate and start-up time).

Ten rows with ten LEDs each are ordered in a square field. Each LED is switched on separay one after the other. At one time only one LED is illuminated. If the 100 LEDs of the main panel are done, an   LED in  an additional row with ten more LEDs is switched forward.

Based on a request from our customers, our LED-Panel now has an additional mode for determining the impact of a rolling shutter. This mode operates all 10 rows of LEDs simultaneously to see if there is a noticeable time shift in the readout of the camera. This new mode has been implemented in all LED-Panels delivered from today. For older panels the implementation of the new mode requires a hardware modification as well as new firmware.

Download the LED Panel user manual:
LED Panel user manual..english version............LED Panel user manual..german version............LED Panel user manual..ユーザーマニュアル


Measurable parameters

shooting time lag (shutter lag with autofocus)   Possible times 10 µs to 10 s
shutter lag without autofocus
  Largest measuring time 1000 x set time
autofocus time
  Accuracy < 0.06% of 1 ms - 10 s
burst frame rate
  Size 215 x 131 x 82 mm
display refresh rate
  Supply voltage 8-15V DC / 100 mA
exposure time
  Voltage for delivered power supply 110-240 V AC 50/60 Hz
rolling shutter speed   Operating modes external trigger / internal trigger


Combine the LED-Panel, Digitus and the AF-Box and you get an even more powerful set of tools to measure shutter-lag and shooting-lag. It can be arranged in a way, that it meets the requirements of the upcoming ISO standard 15781.









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