代理商深圳市泰安电子有限公司,是以专业经销进口电子安防器材。产品皆为世界各国的产品,所有产品均为*,大部分获得了中国*检测认证,具备质量保证,系统应用范围包括:联网报警中心,小区周界防护,商业大楼,银行闭路监控等领域。主要有: 日本《微景》监控系统 以色列《科隆》高智能探测器 日本《奥普特克斯》红外线对射探测器 以色列《》防盗报警系统 日本《迪迦》闭路监控系统 日本《爱峰》内部通讯及楼宇对讲系统 加拿大PARADOX《枫叶》防盗报警系统 泰安电子本着“技术*,质量是根本,服务是生命”的宗旨,努力向客户提供*的设备,*的技术支持和优秀的市场服务,尽善尽美、热情真诚的服务,才是公司在竞争中立于不败之地的关键。泰安电子一直致力于数字安防系统的产品引进和系统开发,公司由Z初单纯的产品引进逐渐发展成为具备研发能力,能为客户提供Z佳数字安防监控解决方案的新型系统集成商。本公司在深圳设立了研发中心,拥有一批本行业*秀的科技人才为公司服务。
Could identify day and night automatically: When it transferred to DES, It can both work on day and night, transferred to LIG, only work on night.
Time-delay is added continually: When it receives the second induction signals after the first induction, it will compute time once more on the rest of the first time-delay basic; the maximum time is the set time.
Time-delay can be set according with the consumer’s demand, the minimum time is 5sec and the maximum is 8min.
Technical Data:
Type: AC power cord
Material: PC (UV proof)
Detection Angle: 120°
Detection Range: 9m (<>
Installation Height: 1-1.8m
Time Setting: 5Sec.1Min.5Min.8Min
Power Source: 110-130V. 220-240V/AC
Rated Load: 800W.110V.1200W.240V Max
Power Consumption: approx 0.5W
Power Frequency: 50/60Hz
Ambient Light: <10lux~2000 lux="">10lux~2000>
Work Temperature: -20℃~+40℃
Working Humidity: <>
Detection Motion Speed:0.6-1.5m/s
Carton size: 50.5x45.5x27