

LS 13 320激光粒度分析仪



Introduction to Our Company
Established on March 21 2008 with registered capital of two million RMB and located at D1-5 South District of Chengwanglidu Xiangsi Lake East Road Nanning Guangxi, Nanning Xihuang Instrument Co., Ltd specializes in the sales of instruments and consumables of laboratories as well as medical apparatus (awarded with Medical Apparatus License), covering such areas as life science, marine monitoring, environment monitoring, chemistry, chemical industry, food detection, medicine science, pharmacy. Currently we mainly target at universities, institutes, medicine inspection, agriculture system, inspection and quarantine system, and other institutions and enterprises. We provide our customers with comprehensive and accurate schemes: besides detailed reply to customers’ before sales inquiries, we also offer complete installation and debugging, training for instrument application, and excellent after sales service.
Taking “Honesty and harmony produce mutual benefits” as our culture and philosophy, we have developed stable cooperation with excellent manufacturers at home and abroad, especially the cooperation involved with imported instruments. We have accumulated abundant experience in importing and exporting business since we acquired a franchise for importing and exporting in 2008.  The business of laboratory qualification, accreditation and advisory was added in our company in 2013. With a leading technical director and advisory experts, we have helped more than one hundred enterprises and intuitions accomplish laboratory qualification, accreditation and advisory, winning their immense praise. Our quality management and technical staff and terrific technical service system contribute to first-class instruments and service for our customers. We ask specialized manufacturers to conduct regular training for our technical engineers so as to solve customers’ problems concerned with specialized instruments, so that we win the general approval of customers in fiercely competitive market.


LS 13 320激光粒度分析仪应用颗粒光散射原理,据光学理论推算颗粒粒度分布,主要适用于粉体或各种材料颗粒粒度分析。其大特点是粒度分析动态范围宽;操作简便快捷;自动化程度高。LS 13 320系列激光粒度仪备有多种样品分散系统可供选择,可选择干法或湿法系统分析样品,是新一代高分辨率的纳米、微米粒度分析仪,可作为独立高分辨率纳米分析仪使用,分析纳米尺寸,下限至17纳米。数据可与其他测量方法数据互换对照,如筛分法、沉降法等。LS 13 320系列激光粒度仪可广泛应用于质量控制实验室、质量控制部门以及其他粒度分析领域。

LS 13 320激光粒度分析仪主要特点:

- 符合ISO13320技术标准 
- 符合FDA的21 CFR Part 11标准 
- 纳米分析功能与微米分析功能二合为一,功能强大;可作为独立的高分辨率纳米粒度分析仪使用,测量下限深潜至17纳米。 
- 检测器数量多,高达132枚独立物理位置检测器,对应高达124个真实数据通道,确保不缺漏丝毫信息。 
- 并行式信号采集与传输,确保信号保持高信噪比、无时差、高通量。  
- 新一代固体激光光源,7万小时以上开机使用寿命 。 
- PIDS技术提供高分辨率纳米粒度分析,保持行业仪器*地位。 
- 多波长与偏振光分析技术令粒度分布在宽动态范围的分析准确性获得高度保障。 
- 固定物理位置的双透镜聚焦技术准确采集小颗粒信息,无采集时差。 
- 多种自动化样品分散系统,配合“船坞式”切换系统,数秒即可完成切换,高效便利。 
- 五个贴壁式自动喷射嘴确保样品槽清洁无残留。 
- 四级自动液面控制系统确保样品槽始终保持准确水位。 
- 球形样品槽底部设计、配合涡轮离心泵及下吸式取样方式,令样品槽无残留死角、无取样偏差,确保样品颗粒的代表性。 
- 直接连接水源及过滤系统,由可控压阀门自动控制液体吸排,*自动化,保持工作环境洁净无污染。 
- 强大的分析软件,提供数十种报告数据以及报告形式,可自行设计报告和打印格式。 
- 全自动运算分析软件,无须预选“峰形”模式,提供客观的报告。 
- 具备强大的参考数据库的同时,具有“Zero-Time”即时光学模型系统,只需一秒即可建立新的光学模型,提供客观准确的分析报告。

库尔特激光粒度分析仪LS 13 320系列技术参数:

- 粒径范围:17纳米-2000微米 
- 主光路激光光源:光纤连接的固体激光器,功率:5 mW 
- 检测器:132枚独立物理角度检测器 
- 真实分析通道:124个 
- 多波长测量:450nm、600nm、780nm及900nm 
- 光学理论模型:全程Mie理论;Fraunhofer理论 
- 准确性误差:小于+/- 0.5% 
- 重现性误差:小于+/- 0.5% 
- 大检测角度:1500






详询客服 : 0571-87858618
