ID Quantique的ID100可见单光子探测器 ID100系列提供紧凑且jia格合理的单光子计数模块,具有1流的定时分辨率(适用于TCSPC应用)和低死区时间。基于在可见光谱范围内的可靠硅雪崩光电二极管,该模块能够检测低至单个光子级的弱光信号。
该模块具有仅40 ps的定时分辨率和45 ns的死区时间,在需要单定时光子检测并具有较高定时精度的所有应用中均优于现有的商用检测器。 ID100具有时序稳定性,*高可达到20 MHz的计数速率。
l 自由运行
l 35%量子效率
l 低暗计数率<5 Hz
l 40 ps时间分辨率
l 有效面积直径50um或20um
l 单机:无需直流电源
l 易于安装在光学工作台上
l 配备通用网络适配器(110/220 V)
l 无指示灯,保持黑暗
l OEM模块可用于大容量应用
l 时间相关单光子计数TCSPC
l 时间分辨共聚焦显微镜
l 荧光和发光检测
l 单分子光谱,DNA测序
l 荧光相关光谱
l 荧光寿命测量,激光测试
l 分光光度法、流式细胞仪
l 激光雷达,光学测距
l 量子光学,量子密码学,OTDR
暗计数率: ID100探测器一共有四种级别:Educational(教学级),Regular(常规级),Standard(标准级)和Ultra-Low Noise(低噪声级),主要取决于暗计数率的性能参数。
1. Optimal timing resolution is obtained when incoming photons are focused on the photosensitive area.
2. The ID100 is free of indicating LEDs to maintain complete darkness during measurements.
3. The detector output is designed to avoid distorsion and ringing when driving a 50 Ohms load.
4. Universal network adapter provided(110/220 V).
5. See on page 4 the A-PPI-D pulse shaper for negative input equipment compatibility.
6. The ID100-SMF20 contains a single mode fibre optimized to your operating wavelength
7. The ID100-MMF50 contains a 50/125 μm multi-mode fibre optimized for the visible spectral range with a 0.22 numerical aperture. The coupling efficiency is larger than 80%.
8. The ID100-MMF100 contains a 100/140 μm multi-mode fibre optimized for the visible spectral range with a 0.22 numerical aperture.The coupling efficiency is larger than 50%.