自2008年成立以来,昊量光电专注于光电领域的技术服务与产品经销,致力于引进国外很具*性与创新性的光电技术与可靠产品,为国内前沿的科研与工业领域提供优质的产品与服务,助力中国智造与中国创造! 目前,昊量光电已经与来自美国、欧洲、日本的多家光电产品制造商建立了紧密的合作关系。其代理品牌均处于相关领域的发展前沿,产品包括各类激光器、光电调制器、光学测量设备、精密光学元件等,所涉足的领域涵盖了材料加工、光通讯、生物医疗、科学研究与国防等。
◆ Elmathron® Patent 技术: 低场DNP-NMR
( US 10, 773, 092 B2)
◆ 浇筑型聚焦式永磁铁设计
◆ 超计算能力 ,进行物质结构分析
◆ 强大的数据库,可实时显示所含混合物, 物质种类及含量
◆ 灵敏度高,液体或气体检测需量少
◆ 可提供原始数据,用于客户自行建模
◆ 应用软件界面友好,功能强大,使用方便
重量:18 kg
Q: What is the magnetic strength in Tesla?
A: We use very weak magnets, only 1 T, because DNP in liquids only works well with magnetic fields less than 1 T. In turn, DNP improves the signal-to-noise ratio for one-dimensional spectra by about 400 times, and almost 100,000 times for multidimensional spectra. Therefore, the sensitivity of 1D is approximately as if we were capturing spectra at 100 MHz, and the sensitivity of 2D+ is approximately as if we were capturing spectra at 400 MHz.
Q: Can I get 1D spectra from Elegant NMR system?
A: The ability of the Elegant NMR measuring system to automatically interpret heteronuclear DNP NMR spectra on an adaptive grid completely disrupts the status quo in which 7- and 8- dimensional DNP NMR spectra, having sparsity values less than 0.1%, are very difficult not only to interpret, but even to visualize.
In the Elegant NMR system, such spectra are identified with reference to a huge database con-taining about 1.7 billion spatial molecular structures.
7-8-dimensional spectra can be projected onto one-dimensional slices and then visualized. We will implement this approach in the expert mode of the Elegant NMR software for reference purposes.
Q: Do we need to use external MW source for DNP?
A: No, Elegant NMR System is equipped with internal DNP source according to recently patented technology US B2.
Q: Do you have HPLC/GCMS inside, or how you separate unknown mixtures?
A: We do not separate molecules, we separate signals. In classical HPLC, for separation to occur, we need the substances to be separated to form complexes with a stationary phase and the energy of formation of such complexes is significantly different. It is often possible to find a stationary phase that would orientate the substances to be separated well, but would not separate these mixtures well enough, for instance, because of the insufficient number of theoretical plates. In our apparatus we do not separate substances, namely, we orient them differently. This orientation affects the two-dimensional NMR spectra and it is possible, without separation, to obtain slightly different HSQC or NOE spectra, and on the basis of their correlations, to get relative concentration and pure spectra of the substances themselves.