

105115-472 S50M光电电开关



北京三奇瑞达科技有限公司,位于北京通州商业区,是一家专业从事工业控制产品的开发、销售及自动化系统集成的高科技技术型公司。 3HTECH三瑞达工业控制产品,是由三奇瑞达科技和中国台湾业界专业厂商共同负责设计、开发。并在中国大陆生产组装以及品质控制。结合在大陆市场需要特点而推出的PC-Based 产品系列,从单纯的工业计算机、嵌入式PC104、数据采集等产品到工业平板电脑、工业平板显示器及高扩展性一体化工作站。再到结合现场应用的加固便携机、加固笔记本、CPCI、PXI、电子盘众多的产品以及成功的市场推广。力争使三奇瑞达科技工业控制产品成为国内的产品品牌。 产品广泛应用于、航天、电信、电力、冶金、交通、铁路、通讯、金融、网络、医疗、安防等多种领域。三奇瑞达科技长期与从事与、研究所、院校、冶金、电子、化工、医疗、交通等行业的自动化控制系统和各行业系统集成公司密切合作,以工控为主要背景,经过多年励精图治,取得了良好的经济效益和技术基础,并积累了丰富的经验。并与、研究所、高校、交通能源、电信等一些的行业用户密切合作,并成为其工业设备供货商、合作商。并与多个国际工控厂商建立长久合作关系,成为中国区特约代理商及渠道商。 我公司成立伊始致力于自动化事业,一直致力于测量传感器设计应用, 可用于在非接触状况下测量物体的长度、宽度、厚度、形状、速度、位置等,测量精度高。提供德国施克(SICK)传感器系列,德国(HYKOL)海可奥激光产品系列,意大利(DATASENSOR)光电产品系列,意大利(INFRA)接近开关,意大利(DATALOGIC 条码阅读器,日本山武(YAMATAKE)系列传感器,代理德国海可奥激光测距仪、热金属检测仪、激光及白光测速仪、后反射激光探测仪以及无线网络设备服务器等产品。海可奥产品远销欧美等发达国家。我公司还可以根据用户需要,设计和生产用户特定的产品。*的生产测试设备、的生产工艺、的技术人员、完善的售后服务体系博得国内外用户的好评。 一直致力于工业自动化产品现场一次仪器仪表广泛应用于航天、军事、机械,石油,化工,交通,能源,电力,水利,地质,冶金,电信,医疗等领域。灵活的经营方式,丰富的研发经验与制造能力,并为不同行业的客户提供个性化的产品设计,提供控制系统OEM/ODM服务。 公司拥有经验丰富的设计工程师和专业的营销队伍,为您的需求提供完善,致美的解决方案和服务。我们的口号:没有,只有更好 !我们的目标:为用户提供完善的产品解决方案和诚信的服务,并为用户解决产品研制和生产控制问题。






供电电压:10—30V DC,标准24V DC








使用寿命:30,000 小时以上


S50-MR/PR-XXX 侧面出光系列

S50-PA-XXX 朔料外壳系列

S50-MR/PR-XXX 侧面出光系列

M18 经济型光电开关





S50-PA-2-C01-NN 952001620 NPN
S50-PA-2-C01-PP 952001050 PNP
metal - axial optics - 2 m cable
S50-MA-2-C01-NN 952021510 NPN
S50-MA-2-C01-PP 952021010 PNP
plastic - axial optics - M12 connector
S50-PA-5-C01-NN 952001510 NPN
S50-PA-5-C01-PP 952001060 PNP
metal - axial optics - M12 connector
S50-MA-5-C01-NN 952021670 NPN
S50-MA-5-C01-PP 952021210 PNP
plastic - radial optics - 2 m cable
S50-PR-2-C01-NN 952001790 NPN
S50-PR-2-C01-PP 952001070 PNP
metal - radial optics - 2 m cable
S50-MR-2-C01-NN 952021610 NPN
S50-MR-2-C01-PP 952021150 PNP
plastic - radial optics - M12 connector
S50-PR-5-C01-NN 952001730 NPN
S50-PR-5-C01-PP 952001080 PNP
metal - radial optics - M12 connector
S50-MR-5-C01-NN 952021770 NPN
S50-MR-5-C01-PP 952021350 PNP

短距离漫反射 10cm
S50-PA-2-D00-NN 952001640 NPN
S50-PA-2-D00-PP 952001090 PNP
metal - axial optics - 2 m cable
S50-MA-2-D00-NN 952021530 NPN
S50-MA-2-D00-PP 952021030 PNP
plastic - axial optics - M12 connector
S50-PA-5-D00-NN 952001530 NPN
S50-PA-5-D00-PP 952001100 PNP
metal - axial optics - M12 connector
S50-MA-5-D00-NN 952021690 NPN
S50-MA-5-D00-PP 952021230 PNP
plastic - radial optics - 2 m cable
S50-PR-2-D00-NN 952001810 NPN
S50-PR-2-D00-PP 952001110 PNP
metal - radial optics - 2 m cable
S50-MR-2-D00-NN 952021630 NPN
S50-MR-2-D00-PP 952021160 PNP
plastic - radial optics - M12 connector
S50-PR-5-D00-NN 952001750 NPN
S50-PR-5-D00-PP 952001120 PNP
metal - radial optics - M12 connector
S50-MR-5-D00-NN 952021790 NPN

激光漫反射 35mm
plastic - axial optics - 2 m cable
S50-PL-2-C01-NN 952001880 NPN
S50-PL-2-C01-PP 952001380 PNP
plastic - radial optics - 2 m cable
S50-PH-2-C01-NN 952001990 NPN
S50-PH-2-C01-PP 952001980 PNP
metal - axial optics - 2 m cable
S50-ML-2-C01-NN 952021830 NPN
S50-ML-2-C01-PP 952021410 PNP
metal - radial optics - 2 m cable
S50-MH-2-C01-NN 952021990 NPN
S50-MH-2-C01-PP 952021980 PNP
plastic - axial optics - M12 connector
S50-PL-5-C01-NN 952001850 NPN
S50-PL-5-C01-PP 952001390 PNP
plastic - radial optics - M12 connector
S50-PH-5-C01-NN 952002010 NPN
S50-PH-5-C01-PP 952002000 PNP
metal - axial optics - M12 connector
S50-ML-5-C01-NN 952021860 NPN
S50-ML-5-C01-PP 952021450 PNP
metal - radial optics - M12 connector
S50-MH-5-C01-NN 952022010 NPN
S50-MH-5-C01-PP 952022000 PNP

背景抑制漫反射 10cm
S50-PA-2-M03-NN 952001670 NPN
S50-PA-2-M03-PP 952001230 PNP
metal - axial optics - 2 m cable
S50-MA-2-M03-NN 952021550 NPN
S50-MA-2-M03-PP 952021070 PNP
plastic - axial optics - M12 connector
S50-PA-5-M03-NN 952001560 NPN
S50-PA-5-M03-PP 952001000 PNP
metal - axial optics - M12 connector
S50-MA-5-M03-NN 952021710 NPN
S50-MA-5-M03-PP 952021270 PNP

S50-PS-2-M03-NN 952001900 NPN
S50-PS-2-M03-PP 952001910 PNP
metal - 2 m cable
S50-MS-2-M03-NN 952021900 NPN
S50-MS-2-M03-PP 952021910 PNP
plastic - M12 connector
S50-PS-5-M03-NN 952001920 NPN
S50-PS-5-M03-PP 952001930 PNP
metal - M12 connector
S50-MS-5-M03-NN 952021920 NPN
S50-MS-5-M03-PP 952021930 PNP

前景抑制漫反射 10cm
plastic - axial optics - 2 m cable
S50-PA-2-N03-NN 952001680 NPN
S50-PA-2-N03-PP 952001440 PNP
metal - axial optics - 2 m cable
S50-MA-2-N03-NN 952021560 NPN
S50-MA-2-N03-PP 952021080 PNP
plastic - axial optics - M12 connector
S50-PA-5-N03-NN 952001570 NPN
S50-PA-5-N03-PP 952001450 PNP
metal - axial optics - M12 connector
S50-MA-5-N03-NN 952021720 NPN
S50-MA-5-N03-PP 952021280 PNP
fibre optic 3/10cm
plastic - axial optics - 2 m cable
S50-PA-2-E01-NN 952001650 NPN
S50-PA-2-E01-PP 952001130 PNP
metal - axial optics - 2 m cable
S50-MA-2-E01-NN 952021880 NPN
S50-MA-2-E01-PP 952021040 PNP
plastic - axial optics - M12 connector
S50-PA-5-E01-NN 952001540 NPN
S50-PA-5-E01-PP 952001140 PNP
metal - axial optics - M12 connector
S50-MA-5-E01-NN 952021890 NPN
S50-MA-5-E01-PP 952021240 PNP

聚焦漫反射 10cm
S50-PA-2-W03-NN 952001710 NPN
S50-PA-2-W03-PP 952001320 PNP
metal - axial optics - 2 m cable
S50-MA-2-W03-NN 952021590 NPN
S50-MA-2-W03-PP 952021110 PNP
plastic - axial optics - M12 connector
S50-PA-5-W03-NN 952001600 NPN
S50-PA-5-W03-PP 952001330 PNP
metal - axial optics - M12 connector
S50-MA-5-W03-NN 952021750 NPN
S50-MA-5-W03-PP 952021310 PNP

荧光漫反射(LUMINESCENCE) 8-20mm
S50-PA-2-U03-NN 952001700 NPN
S50-PA-2-U03-PP 952001300 PNP
metal - axial optics - 2 m cable
S50-MA-2-U03-NN 952021580 NPN
S50-MA-2-U03-PP 952021100 PNP
plastic - axial optics - M12 connector
S50-PA-5-U03-NN 952001590 NPN
S50-PA-5-U03-PP 952001310 PNP
metal - axial optics - M12 connector
S50-MA-5-U03-NN 952021740 NPN
S50-MA-5-U03-PP 952021300

漫反色距离检测(DISTANCE SENSOR) 8-10cm
plastic - axial optics - 2 m cable
S50-PA-2-Y00-VK 952001340
metal - axial optics - 2 m cable
S50-MA-2-Y00-VK 952021120
plastic - axial optics - M12 connector
S50-PA-5-Y00-VK 952001350
metal - axial optics - M12 connector
S50-MA-5-Y00-VK 952021320

对射式 through beam 20m
receiver - axial optics - 2 m cable
S50-PA-2-F01-NN 952001660 NPN
S50-PA-2-F01-PP 952001150 PNP
emitter - axial optics - 2 m cable
S50-PA-2-G00-XG 952001190
receiver - radial optics - 2 m cable
S50-PR-2-F01-NN 952001820 NPN
S50-PR-2-F01-PP 952001170 PNP
emitter - radial optics - 2 m cable
S50-PR-2-G00-XG 952001210
receiver - axial optics - M12 connector
S50-PA-5-F01-NN 952001550 NPN
S50-PA-5-F01-PP 952001160 PNP
emitter - axial optics - M12 connector
S50-PA-5-G00-XG 952001200
receiver - radial optics - M12 connector
S50-PR-5-F01-NN 952001760 NPN
S50-PR-5-F01-PP 952001180 PNP
emitter - radial optics - M12 connector
S50-PR-5-G00-XG 952001220

金属对射式 through beam 20m
receiver - axial optics - 2 m cable
S50-MA-2-F01-NN 952021540 NPN
S50-MA-2-F01-PP 952021050 PNP
emitter - axial optics - 2 m cable
S50-MA-2-G00-XG 952021060
receiver - radial optics - 2 m cable
S50-MR-2-F01-NN 952021640 NPN
S50-MR-2-F01-PP 952021170 PNP
emitter - radial optics - 2 m cable
S50-MR-2-G00-XG 952021180
receiver - axial optics - M12 connector
S50-MA-5-F01-NN 952021800 NPN
S50-MA-5-F01-PP 952021310 PNP
emitter - axial optics - M12 connector
S50-MA-5-G00-XG 952021260
receiver - radial optics - M12 connector
S50-MR-5-F01-NN 952021800 NPN
S50-MR-5-F01-PP 952021370 PNP
emitter - radial optics - M12 connector
S50-MR-5-G00-XG 952021380
激光对射式 laser through beam 60m
emitter - axial optics - 2 m cable
S50-PL-2-G00-XG 952001420
receiver - axial optics - 2 m cable
S50-PL-2-F01-NN 952001890 NPN
S50-PL-2-F01-PP 952001400 PNP
emitter - radial optics - 2 m cable
S50-PH-2-G00-XG 952002060
receiver - radial optics - 2 m cable
S50-PH-2-F01-NN 952002030 NPN
S50-PH-2-F01-PP 952002020 PNP
emitter - axial optics - M12 connector
S50-PL-5-G00-XG 952001430
receiver - axial optics - M12 connector
S50-PL-5-F01-NN 952001860 NPN
S50-PL-5-F01-PP 952001410 PNP
emitter - radial optics - M12 connector
S50-PH-5-G00-XG 952002070
receiver - radial optics - M12 connector
S50-PH-5-F01-NN 952002050 NPN
S50-PH-5-F01-PP 952002040 PNP
All the ordering codes and information

金属激光对射式 laser through beam 60m
S50-ML-2-G00-XG 952021430
receiver - axial optics - 2 m cable
S50-ML-2-F01-NN 952021840 NPN
S50-ML-2-F01-PP 952021420 PNP
emitter - radial optics - 2 m cable
reflex beam 5m
S50-PA-2-A00-NN 952002090 NPN
S50-PA-2-A00-PP 952002080 PNP
metal - axial optics - 2 m cable
S50-MA-2-A00-NN 952022090 NPN
S50-MA-2-A00-PP 952022080 PNP
plastic - axial optics - M12 connector
S50-PA-5-A00-NN 952002110 NPN
S50-PA-5-A00-PP 952002100 PNP
metal - axial optics - M12 connector
S50-MA-5-A00-NN 952022110 NPN
S50-MA-5-A00-PP 952022100 PNP
All the ordering codes and information are
S50-MH-2-G00-XG 952022060
receiver - radial optics - 2 m cable
S50-MH-2-F01-NN 952022030 NPN
S50-MH-2-F01-PP 952022020 PNP
emitter - axial optics - M12 connector
S50-ML-5-G00-XG 952021470
receiver - axial optics - M12 connector
S50-ML-5-F01-NN 952021870 NPN
S50-ML-5-F01-PP 952021460 PNP
emitter - radial optics - M12 connector
S50-MH-5-G00-XG 952022070
receiver - radial optics - M12 connector
S50-MH-5-F01-NN 952022050 NPN
S50-MH-5-F01-PP 952022040 PNP

plastic - axial optics - cable 2 m
S50-PA-2-B01-NN 952001610 NPN
S50-PA-2-B01-PP 952001010 PNP
metal - axial optics - 2 m cable
S50-MA-2-B01-NN 952021500 NPN
S50-MA-2-B01-PP 952021000 PNP
plastic - axial optics - M12 connector
S50-PA-5-B01-NN 952001500 NPN
S50-PA-5-B01-PP 952001020 PNP
metal - axial optics - M12 connector
S50-MA-5-B01-NN 952021660 NPN
S50-MA-5-B01-PP 952021200 PNP
plastic - radial optics - 2 m cable
S50-PR-2-B01-NN 952001780 NPN
S50-PR-2-B01-PP 952001030 PNP
metal - radial optics - 2 m cable
S50-MR-2-B01-NN 952021600 NPN
S50-MR-2-B01-PP 952021140 PNP
plastic - radial optics - M12 connector
S50-PR-5-B01-NN 952001720 NPN
S50-PR-5-B01-PP 952001040 PNP
metal - radial optics - M12 connector
S50-MR-5-B01-NN 952021760 NPN
S50-MR-5-B01-PP 952021340 PNP

plastic - axial optics - 2 m cable
S50-PL-2-B01-NN 952001870 NPN
S50-PL-2-B01-PP 952001360 PNP
plastic - radial optics - 2 m cable
S50-PH-2-B01-NN 952001950 NPN
S50-PH-2-B01-PP 952001940 PNP
metal - axial optics - 2 m cable
S50-ML-2-B01-NN 952021820 NPN
S50-ML-2-B01-PP 952021400 PNP
metal - radial optics - 2 m cable
S50-MH-2-B01-NN 952021950 NPN
S50-MH-2-B01-PP 952021940 PNP
plastic -axial optics - M12 connector
S50-PL-5-B01-NN 952001840 NPN
S50-PL-5-B01-PP 952001370 PNP
plastic -radial optics - M12 connector
S50-PH-5-B01-NN 952001970 NPN
S50-PH-5-B01-PP 952001960 PNP
metal - axial optics - M12 connector
S50-ML-5-B01-NN 952021850 NPN
S50-ML-5-B01-PP 952021440 PNP
metal - radial optics - M12 connector
S50-MH-5-B01-NN 952021970 NPN
S50-MH-5-B01-PP 952021960 PNP

高灵敏镜反式 REFLEX RED 1.7M
S50-PA-2-T01-NN 952001690 NPN
S50-PA-2-T01-PP 952001260 PNP
metal - axial optics - 2 m cable
S50-MA-2-T01-NN 952021570 NPN
S50-MA-2-T01-PP 952021090 PNP
plastic - axial optics - M12 connector
S50-PA-5-T01-NN 952001580 NPN
S50-PA-5-T01-PP 952001270 PNP
metal - axial optics - M12 connector
S50-MA-5-T01-NN 952021730 NPN
S50-MA-5-T01-PP 952021290 PNP
plastic - radial optics - 2 m cable
S50-PR-2-T01-NN 952001830 NPN
S50-PR-2-T01-PP 952001280 PNP
metal - radial optics - 2 m cable
S50-MR-2-T01-NN 952021650 NPN
S50-MR-2-T01-PP 952021190 PNP
plastic - radial optics - M12 connector
S50-PR-5-T01-NN 952021770 NPN
S50-PR-5-T01-PP 952021290 PNP
metal - radial optics - M12 connector
S50-MR-5-T01-NN 952021810 NPN
S50-MR-5-T01-PP 952021390 PNP

S50-PA-2-C10-NN 952001630 NPN
S50-PA-2-C10-PP 952001240 PNP
metal - axial optics - 2 m cable
S50-MA-2-C10-NN 952021520 NPN
S50-MA-2-C10-PP 952021020 PNP
plastic - axial optics - M12 connector
S50-PA-5-C10-NN 952001520 NPN
S50-PA-5-C10-PP 952001250 PNP
metal - axial optics - M12 connector
S50-MA-5-C10-NN 952021680 NPN
S50-MA-5-C10-PP 952021220 PNP
plastic - radial optics - 2 m cable
S50-PR-2-C10-NN 952001800 NPN
S50-PR-2-C10-PP 952001490 PNP
metal - radial optics - 2 m cable
S50-MR-2-C10-NN 952021620 NPN
S50-MR-2-C10-PP 952021490 PNP
plastic - radial optics - M12 connector
S50-PR-5-C10-NN 952001740 NPN
S50-PR-5-C10-PP 952001480 PNP
metal - radial optics - M12 connector
S50-MR-5-C10-NN 952021780 NPN
S50-MR-5-C10-PP 952021480 PNP
plastic - axial optics - 2 m cable
S50-PA-2-C21-NN 952002170 NPN
S50-PA-2-C21-PP 952002160 PNP
metal - axial optics - 2 m cable
S50-MA-2-C21-NN 952022130 NPN
S50-MA-2-C21-PP 952022120 PNP
plastic - axial optics - M12 connector
S50-PA-5-C21-NN 952002190 NPN
S50-PA-5-C21-PP 952002180 PNP
metal - axial optics - M12 connector
S50-MA-5-C21-NN 952022150 NPN
S50-MA-5-C21-PP 952022140 PNP
All the ordering codes and information are






详询客服 : 0571-87858618
