QD-01CE型可调式透明膜三维包装机(带防伪易拉线) 用途:透明膜包装机就是在长方形、正方形或类似包装物外面裹包一层带防伪易拉线的透明膜。包装效果与香烟外包相同。该机广泛适用于盒装 、 品、食品、化妆品、日用品、糖果、安全套、香皂、文具用品、便签纸、磁带、威化饼、音像制品等IT行业中的各种盒式规则物品的单件自动包装。 功能介绍:本机是在引进、吸收欧洲和日本等国家设备的基础上,经过精心设计改良而成。采用国外 电气元件,具有运行稳定可靠、速度快、封口牢固、紧凑、密封防水性好、平整美观等优点。可对物品进行单件或条盒自动裹包,自动送盒、折叠、热封、包装、并自动粘贴防伪易拉线。更换少量零部件即可包装不同规格(长、宽、高)的盒式规则包装物。 我们一直致力于数码产品,音像制品的包装,我们坚持积极开发与探索,走在了此行业的zui前沿, *包装技术和包装新趋势。从CD,到DVD,到现在的蓝光光盘见证了包装领域的新格局。鉴于市场上的日新月异变化,我们的机器考虑到多变性和适应性很好地在很长段时间适应市场的变化。简单、方便、快速的更换模具就能够包装不同的产品和尺寸让我们的机器与众不同、令人倍受青睐。紧凑结实的机器机构既确保了很长的使用寿命,又降低故障率和维修率。
Application: The cellophane overwrapping machine is used for overwrapping the square, rectangular product with a layer of cellophane(BOPP,OPP,PVC) the same as the packaging of cigarette. This machine is suitable for single packaging of various pharmaceuticals, condom, health-care products, food,confectionery, chewing gum, tea, coffees,chocolate,biscuits, perfumes, cosmetics, notepad, scratchpad,stationery, eraser,digital-media,VCD/DVD/CD cassette, Blue ray discs, tape, tobaccos, playing cards , napkin paper, etc. Functional Features: this machine is designed on the basis of adopting and improving the overseas advanced science and technology from Europe and Japan, adopting imported electrical components, with the advantage of stable and reliable operation、high speed、a firm packing, smooth and beautiful. It could do product feeding, film folding, heat-sealing, overwrapping and stick tear tape automatically. Changing few parts could overwrap different sizes of products. 性能参数 Products specification and main technical parameters 型号Type 名称 Name 包装尺寸(毫米) Packer size (mm) 包装速度Packer speed boxes/min 电源Power 重量Weight (more or less) 外形尺寸——毫米) Machine dimension (mm) 2001-A 磁带VCD 兼包Cassette wrapper 110x70x17 142x125x(5-25) 42 220 V 2KV An 250kg 1450x660x-B VCD DVD/CD兼包 VCD DVD/CD box wrapper 142x125x(5-25) 190x141x(5-25) 42 1450x750x-C 连续剧单一规格包装Cassette bundles wrapper 100-280x50-150x10-50 30-35 1450x820x1650 To choose this machine type, a low cost and cheap investment. Our company can also undertake to manufacture all special dimensions of packers for consumers.