

Innolume 增益芯片Gain-chips (GC)



上海量青光电技术有限公司是一家激光光源,光放大器,光无源器件生产的厂家,同时兼具国外仪器设备的代理与系统集成业务的综合性服务商,总部在上海,香港、美国设有办事处。业务覆盖国内各高校、所属各研究所、所属各研究所、航空工业总公司所属各研究所等不同系统内的研究机构,以及相关领域内的各大生产型公司。经过几年的努力目前公司工厂自主生产的的产品线已经非常丰富,我们生产的产品波长覆盖800-2000nm,包括光无源器件的PLC光分路、光纤跳线、MPO&MTP分支型光纤跳线、FA光纤列阵、光纤透镜、MEMS VOA/光衰减器、机械式光开关/MEMS光开关、C-Lens光纤准直器与大光束准直器、保偏器件与跳线接头的代加工。偏振控制器/激光光源包括,SLD宽带光源、SLD超宽带光源,ASE光源,光纤放大器,SOA半导体放大器等。我司外贸部代理国外一些特殊的光电产品,包括特殊光纤/光栅,相位调制器/强度调制器、VCSEL激光器、QCL量子级联激光器、干涉型光纤传感OCT等一系列产品公司理念:创新务实 超越自我 追求特殊优势:依托海外办事处优势以及专业行业经验,提供快速交货期与产品服务。自主生产+国外代理,提供一站式光电产品服务。


Gain-chip is the irreplaceable component as a gain medium for the building of the tunable diode laser or high stable external cavity diode laser. Gain-chip is similar to laser diode chip except the fact that it has deep antireflecting coating on one or both facets which significantly increases threshold of self lasing or eliminate it.

Typical external cavity diode laser configurations are Littrow- and Littman/Metcalf cavities. For the Littrow configuration, a diffraction grating is mounted in a way that light of the desired wavelength is diffracted back along the incident beam. Wavelength is scanned by rotating the grating. Generally an intracavity achromatic lens is used to collimate expanded beam on a relatively large area of the grating. The zero order diffracted beam can be used as the output laser beam.

Littrow configuration

Littman/Metcalf configuration

Part number indentification:


  • 1030 - central wavelength of tuning range (nm)
  • 150 - tuning range width (nm)
  • TO - heatsink type (TO-header)
  • 200 - optical power out of external cavity (mW)
  • B - type of gain-chip

Available on heatsinks:

  • TO-header (can)
  • C-mount
  • AlN submount



Typical parameters* of gain-chips (type A, B) mounted on TO-headers

Part number Central
of tuning
of maximum
Power out
of external
Fast axis
Slow axis
power w/o
nm nm nm mW deg deg mW mm mA
GC-780-40-TO-30-B 780 40 780 30 20 8 5 1.5 150
GC-780-40-TO-100-B 780 40 780 110 20 8 20 2 250
GC-800-40-TO-100-B 795 45 800 110 22 8 5 2 250
GC-800-40-TO-130-B 800 40 800 130 32 5 25 2 250
GC-920-90-TO-200-B 905 90 920 200 33 8 7 1.5 400
GC-950-110-TO-200-B 950 110 980 240 32 6 35 1.5 400
GC-1030-150-TO-200-B 1030 150 1060 200 38 10 3 1.5 400
GC-1030-160-TO-200-B 1030 160 1080 220 17 8 50 1.5 400
GC-1060-150-TO-200-B 1060 150 1090 210 16 9 50 1.5 400
GC-1105-130-TO-200-B 1105 130 1130 200 40 9 1.5 1.4 400
GC-1110-70-TO-300-A 1110 70 1120 350 35 4 8 3 600
GC-1160-90-TO-200-A 1150 90 1160 230 40 5 2 3 600
GC-1180-80-TO-200-A 1160 80 1170 220 42 4 3 3 600
GC-1180-100-TO-200-B 1150 100 1170 210 40 7 110 3 600
GC-1220-110-TO-200-B 1220 110 1240 230 37 6 15 3 800
GC-1260-60-TO-200-B 1260 110 1270 210 38 7 20 3 800
GC-1270-60-TO-200-A 1270 60 1270 200 33 5 3 3 800
GC-1270-130-TO-200-B 1270 130 1230, 1320 200 38 6 4.5 3 800
GC-1270-140-TO-200-A 1270 130 1230, 1310 220 38 5 1.5 3 800
GC-1300-60-TO-200-B 1300 60 1320 200 38 6 4.5 3 800
GC-1310-60-TO-200-A 1310 60 1310 220 38 5 1.5 3 800
GC-1330-60-TO-200-A 1330 60 1330 200 40 4 5 3 800
GC-1330-70-TO-200-B 1330 70 1340 200 37 7 17 3 800

* - @ CW, 25C heatsink temperature, external cavity in Littman configuration with ≈10% feedback

Any customized wavelength from the 780-1330 nm range is possible.

Gain-chip types

Gain-chip types

Innolume Gain-chip product line subdividing in two main categories:

  • One side optical access (Types A and B)
  • Two sides optical access (Types C and D)

One side optical access Gain-chip is ideal component for operation in the scheme where the output power is outcoupled from the external cavity. Typically they are supplied in TO-can package.

Two sides optical access Gain-chip can be used in scheme allowing power outcoupling directly from the Gain-chip Facet to reduce the optical losses or in optical scheme for the amplification.

Type A Gain-chip has straight stripe normal to the facets with high reflecting (HR) and deep antireflecting (AR) coatings. This is the most cost effective solution for the building of the external cavity diode laser. Type A GC has symmetrical beam far field providing efficient coupling to the external cavity and back using high NA aspheric lens. This type of the Gain-chips has relatively low gain spectra ripples suppression compare to the other types. It results from the fact that the reflection of the AR coated facet is on the level of 0.1% and can be further reduced by using curved stripe-to-facer design only.

Type B GC has curved stripe with HR- on normal side and deep AR-coating on the tilted one. The curved stripe together with deep AR-coating provides extremely low reflection (< 10E-5) allowing suppression of self lasing and minimizing of gain ripples. The drawback of the curved stripe is the distortion of the output beam which embarrasses collimation and reduces efficiency of back coupling. High NA optics must be used.

Type C GC has curved stripe and deep AR-coating at the tilted side and a few percent reflection at the normal side. The wavelength selecting feedback has to be placed at the tilted side (with the same advantages and drawbacks as for the Type B), whereas the output power goes out from the normal side. This design allows high output power and relatively good output beam. The reflection of the facet with normal stripe has to be designed individually depending on the configuration of the system and required output power.

Type D GC has a tilted stripe with a deep AR on both sides, typically it used for the advanced optical schemes were the build-in amplifying unit is needed.Innovative facet coating technology which includes facet passivation meets high reliability requirements. The ISO9001:2008 conform production is based on careful design, manufacturing and extensive testing. Each device is individually tested and
 shipped with a specified set of test data.






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