

IFM-1 倒置荧光显微镜




Supporting Science Every Day

KEWLAB is dedicated to advancing the cause of science, and we do that by supplying optics, photonics and scientific laboratory instruments to both the scientific and the industrial community.  It’s surprisingly uncommon to find your perfect job nowadays, and despite the odds, that is precisely what we have done!  Everyone here is an energetic, brilliant science supporter.

In the beginning humans developed tools, language, agriculture, and leisure; we then had the time to figure out how most of the gross mechanisms on our planet worked.  We traced our origins, what had preceded us, and found clues and hints about what the future held in store.  Humanity embraced knowledge, shedding ancient superstitions, in favour of experiments, study, and replicable results.

Our amazing KEWLAB crew has decades of accumulated experience in this field; we’re ready to meet your toughest technical challenges worldwide.  You really need to experience our premium optics and scientific products because the simple truth is that if you cannot measure and/or observe something, it is extremely difficult to learn very much from it.

Light is nothing without lenses, prisms, and mirrors, so we provide these items to a level of precision that exceeds so-called “world class”, with transparent pricing at every step.  Our retroreflectors are better than those left on the Moon by the Apollo astronauts!  For the same reason, we provide optically perfect windows for when you need to see or measure something inside a sealed vessel without interference from the medium itself.

Lighting is important in everything from biology to palaeontology, whether performing surgery or illuminating ancient artefacts.  Science needs its tools in order to progress, and we serve that need.

Describe your optical, illumination, photonic or any scientific needs and let us craft your solution.  You show us the path to the future, so let our dedicated staff provide you with the tools that you need to light the way.


513/370 St Kilda Road
Melbourne, VIC 3004





  • 大视野目镜提供大视野和清晰成像
  • 配备3物镜,包括PLL 10X/0.25PLL 25X/0.40PLL 40X/0.60
  • 目镜倾斜30度,观看舒适
  • 多相衬配件,包括对中望远镜、相衬物镜和相衬聚光镜,提供高质量的相衬成像
  • 可拆卸移动载物台,便于显微镜控制
  • 配备多个培养皿夹用于活细胞成像
  • 长工作距离和可移动载物台,用户可通过高培养皿和烧杯成像
  • 光源亮度易于调节
  • 照明系统经过精心设计,可有效散热并保持灯温较低。
  • 模块化设计,用户可轻松切换照明系统和滤光片组
  • 100W高压汞灯和滤色块为清晰明亮的荧光成像提供稳定的激发光
  • 各种配件可用于增强功能
  • 与外部摄像头兼容,可拍照
目镜筒 三目, 倾斜30°
目镜 WF10X (Φ20mm)
样本架 适用于Φ68mm或77mm×29mm培养皿/适用于128mm×85mm 96孔板/适用于128mm×85mm培养皿
荧光滤光片组 四色激发:蓝光(B)激发波长: 450~490 nm 发射波长: 515nm/绿光(G)激发波长: 495~555 nm 发射波长: 595nm/紫外线(UV)激发波长: 320~380 nm 发射波长: 435nm/紫光(V)激发波长: 380~415 nm 发射波长: 475nm
相衬物镜 平场消色差物镜:PLL 10X/0.25 PHP2 工作距离: 8.8 mm, 盖片厚度: 1.2mm/PLL 25X/0.40 PHP2 工作距离: 4.78 mm, 盖片厚度: 1.2mm/PLL 40X/0.60 PHP2 工作距离: 3.32 mm, 盖片厚度: 1.2mm
物镜 平场消色差物镜: PLL 10X/0.25 工作距离: 8.8 mm, 盖片厚度: 1.2mm/PLL 25X/0.40 工作距离: 4.78 mm, 盖片厚度: 1.2mm/PLL 40X/0.60 (弹簧) 工作距离: 3.32 mm, 盖片厚度: 1.2mm
照明 透射照明器: 卤素灯, 亮度可调;荧光照明器: 100W汞灯
功率 100W
电源 110V 或 220V
载物台 可拆卸载物台: 224X208mm, 移动范围: X: 79 mm Y: 112 mm)
相衬装置 相衬轮/对中望远镜/超长工作距离聚光镜 (高度可调, NA=0.4, 工作距离 50 mm)
转换器 五孔(内向式滚珠内定位)





详询客服 : 0571-87858618
