




burster总部位于德国巴登 - 符腾堡州。 半个多世纪以来一直致力于精密,高质量的测量方案的提供,现已成为高精密电阻、电阻测试仪、校准器、传感器信号处理和过程监控的精密仪器,传感器和系统最重要的供应商之一。作为一家*企业,所有产品均取得CE认证,拥有欧洲DKD高品质认证实验室。burster为德国乃至的7500多家客户提供服务。 burster的创新和经验丰富的团队为这些客户提供了密集的应用支持。 解决复杂的测量问题并将测量和测试技术集成到生产环境中,用于生产控制,质量保证和测试设备监控,是该业务的日常仪表任务。秉持着“精准、优质、通用”的产品发展核心理念,burster的产品和服务在汽车制造业、机器人制造业、自动化装配、线缆制造业、电阻制造/检测、计量认证机构等领域获得了越来越多国际企业的青睐和支持。




  • Features

    • 精度<0.05%
    • 模拟量电压输出0... ±5 V或0...±10V或电流输出0...20mA或4...20mA
    • 可接6线制和4线制传感器
    • 信号与电源之间的隔离
    • 截止频率1 kHz,可选配4kHz
    • 通过DIP开关进行配置
    • 易于安装在DIN安装导轨上(可选配IP67保护等级)
  • Description

    The amplifier module model 9243 is used wherever measurement signals from strain gauges, potentiometric sensors or DC/DC sensors have to be converted into standard signals. Simply by mounting on conventional DIN-mount rails, it is possible to position the amplifier module on location, in the proximity of the sensor. Especially for rough environments a IP65 version is available.

    The broad auxiliary power range and the choice between AC or DC permits operation on standard power supplies used in switch gear cabinets. A highly precise reference voltage source is built-in for calibration purposes. A calibrating shunt can also be connected via two separate terminals. This permits deliberate detuning of a strain gauge sensor for calibration or merely to check the measuring chain.

    A highly accurate precision amplifier performs the amplification of the sensor signal being applied. The necessary gain factor is adjusted coarsely with DIP switches while fine-tuning is carried out by using a potentiometer. Current and voltage outputs are available simultaneously. The sensor excitation is performed by the amplifier module itself so that no additional voltage source is required. It can also be set in steps of 2.5 V, 5 V, 10 V using DIP switches. The maximum feed current of 35 mA permits parallel connection of several strain gages, e.g. for the addition of measurement variables. Measurement errors brought about by varying line lengths or due to temperature fluctuations effecting the sensor cable are avoided by having probe lines measuring the actual feed voltage directly on site at the sensor itself (6 wire technology). Fluctuations are immediately corrected electronically. The cut-off frequency of the amplifier can be switched between 10 Hz and 1 kHz. The DIP switches for configuring the entire device are found easily accessible, under a cover.

  • Downloads

    Data sheet
    pdf 9243资料参数
    Operation manual
    pdf 9243使用手册

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