




上海健时智能化系统有限公司是专业从事自动化系统成套设备(MRO)产品分销商,我们秉承多年专业从事自动化系统服务与企业的经营理念,凭借齐备的MRO全线产品,的品质,充足的现货储备,快速的物流网络,为中国企业提供专业的自动化系统成套设备(MRO)产品采购一站式服务,帮忙他们的设施正常运作,并努力使他们节省采购时间和降低他们的采购成本。 上海健时智能化拥有自主品牌产品,紧密型企业50家,合作伙伴达160余家。 上海健时智能化生产或代理经销(德国科宝KOBOLD、BDSENSORS(德国博德)、德国菲索(AFRISO)、德国VEGA公司、柯普乐(KSR KUEBLER Niveau-Messtechnik AG)、日本横河(YOKOGAWA)、ABB公司、美国罗斯蒙特(ROSEMOUNT)、美国FLOWORLD富沃得、福克斯波罗(FOXBORO)、法国施耐德、德国SENSE公司、西屋公司、MCS公司、霍尼韦尔(HONEYWELL)公司、西门子(SIEMENS)公司、SWP香港昌晖、WP香港上润、LU安东智能仪表、中国台湾明纬(MEAN WELL)电源等)的产品目前有16大类100000多个品种,全部产品按中国标准、国际标准生产,全部企业通过ISO2000国际质量体认证,部分企业通过14001环境认证。产品广泛应用于石油,化工,钢铁、汽车、电力,造船,采矿等领域,是企业******的自动化系统成套设备(MRO)产品采购一站式供应商。 健时公司主要产品包括工业热电偶、热电阻、氧化锆、双金属温度计、温度变送器、信号隔离器、隔离式安全栅、 温度远传监测仪、压力表、压力变送器、智能数字显示调节仪、电量变送器、智能电力监测仪、无纸记录仪、液位计、流量计、电线电缆、开关柜、新型家用管道燃气防爆阻火器(安全阀)等多种产品,并承接各种大型工业智能化控制系统的项目成套和工程施工。 健时公司愿以科学的经营管理手段、雄厚的技术力量、优质的产品、良好的信誉、完善的售后服务赢得市场,并在采用新技术、开发新产品的方面不断进取。公司愿与广大用户在工业智能化控制领域中携手共进、共创辉煌。真诚欢迎各界朋友、中外客商来我公司参观、考察,长期合作,谋求共同发展。 SHANGHAI JIANSHI Intelligent Systems Co., Ltd. is an agent who is specialized in automation system equipment (MRO) products. We inherit our superior services and business ideas gained from promoting automation system service many years to supply purchasing service of professional MRO products for many enterprises in china with the whole MRO line high quality products, sufficient stocks, effective logistic network , keep their devices working normally and make them to save time and reduce their purchasing cost.SHANGHAI JIANSHI Intelligent Systems Co., Ltd. not only has its own brand products, and has50 close enterprises and more than 160 partners. SHANGHAI JIANSHI Intelligent Systems Co., Ltd. produces or is as an agent for below companies’ products: (German KOBOLD 、BDSENSORS 、AFRISO 、VEGA 、KSR KUEBLER NIVEAU-MESSTECHNIk AG 、Japan YOKOGAWA 、ABB 、United States ROSEMOUNT 、FLOWORLD 、FOXBORO 、France Schneider 、German Sense 、West house 、MCS 、HONEYWELL 、SIEMENS 、Hong Kong SWP 、WP 、Tai Wan MEAN WELL and so on).The products we act for have divided into 16 types including over ten thousands products, all of them meet Chinese and international corresponding standards, all enterprise we work with are certificated by ISO2000, some of them got 14001 environmental approvals. Our products are applicable in the fields of oil, chemical, steel, auto, power, shipbuilding, mining etc. We are the best supplier in purchasing MRO products. Our main products of includes: Industrial Thermocouple, resistance temperature detector(RTD), zircon , bimetal thermometer , temperature transmitter , signal Isolator, isolated safety fences , remote temperature monitor , manometer ,pressure transmitter , Intelligent digital-display adjustor, power transmitter , Intelligent power monitor, paperless recording instruments ,level gauge, flow meter,cord , Cable, Switchgear,Household Gas Pipeline Explosion flame arrester (safety fences) and so on, we also have abilities to undertake all kinds projects of large industrial intelligent control system and engineering. SHANGHAI JIANSHI Intelligent Systems Co., Ltd. wish that it could occupy market with its reasonable administration methods, outstanding technology, high quality products, good credit , perfect after-sales services. Adopt new technology and make continuous improvement in new product development. We hope that we could cooperate with all our customers for further improvement and creating brilliant. Welcome to visit our company!



















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